Driving Meaningful Change

Chris Harkins
01 Jun 2022

At Keith Gunn, we have been the leading Edinburgh based business for all your electrical needs for over 30 years. We believe businesses can be the driving force behind meaningful change in the world. Be it social or environmentally, businesses can set trends and drive change that makes all our lives better.

Our business model at Keith Gunn is designed around growth and sustainability in all aspects of our organisation and all our electricians are specially trained to provide you with the best possible solution.


Energy Saving Bulbs

Changing a light bulb

Making your home as energy efficient as possible helps the environment and helps your bank account. It is estimated that LED bulbs save on average around £3 per year per bulb whilst also drastically reducing your carbon footprint as they last longer and have a better brightness to energy consumption ratio. At Keith Gunn, our NICEIC qualified can offer you expert advice to ensure you receive the perfect solution tailored specifically to your home.

Offsetting Carbon in our Office

An unavoidable by-product of business operations is C02 emissions. Whether it’s transport costs, electricity usage or embodied carbon – businesses almost always have a carbon footprint, however, there are many ways to combat this.

At Keith Gunn, we offset the carbon used in our office each month. This allows us to reduce our CO2 emissions and have a more positive impact on our environment.

4 Day Work Week

Our sustainable practices aren’t just aimed at the biological environment, at Keith Gunn, we treat our community, electricians, and other stakeholders with respect. The triple bottom line theory in business states that organisations must now focus on their people, the planet as well as their profits and at Keith Gunn, we show our belief in this through our practices.

One effective business practice we have adopted is the 4-day work week. This allows our electricians to provide services such as electrical installation & design, rewiring, alarm maintenance, and lighting fixture work 8 am – 6 pm Monday to Thursday. If this isn’t enough, we also provide a 24hr emergency service for electrical work!

As well as helping our customers, this initiative has also been shown to reduce stress amongst workers, allowing our fully qualified NECIEC electricians to do the best job possible while feeling confident in their roles.

Our Apprentices & Electricians

Photo of apprentice

Another huge issue in our industry and community is skill shortages, in fact around a quarter of all job vacancies for skilled tradesmen are electrician roles.

Keith Gunn has a forward-thinking proactive approach to training new employees with the skills necessary to perform their job effectively and confidently. We aim to train around 3 apprentices each year to become fully qualified electricians by putting them through college courses. By training these apprentices we help to combat the wider societal issues of skill shortages and unemployment, whilst also giving young people a chance to have meaningful careers.


At Keith Gunn, we are always looking for new ways to better ourselves and improve the lives of our clients, employees, and community.

We believe there are many ways to make meaningful changes in everyday life and work – let us help you to do the same.


Some more services we provide –

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